Market-Specific Solutions

Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to ...

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans ...

Fleet Tracking & Management

More than simple tracking beyond fleet management ISearch is designed to offer a world- ...

Milk Collection & Distribution

ISEARCH IoT developed an in-house product for dairy logistics and fleet management...

Employee Payroll Management

An HRMS, or human resources management system, is a suite of software applications used to ...

Time Attendance & Asset Working Productivity

ISEARCH Ta is an enterprise grade Android Mobile and Web Based App and software with robust ...

Sales Automation

Sales automation is the mechanization of manual, time-consuming sales tasks using software, artificial intelligence (AI),...

Natural Resource Mining & Transportation

The contribution of the natural resources and mining sector to the economy and the use of ...

Solid Waste Management

The collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded because it has served its purpose or is no longer useful....

Taxi Management

Taxi Management helps offer a new level of customer service, aiding faster dispatch of vehicles, expenses, promoting driver productivity and ...

School child safety

"School Safety" has been defined as creating safe environment for children, starting from their homes to their schools and back....

In-house Software Development

It is a software development process that is run by a corporate entity for organizational usage Let’s ...